Preparing the cargo area floor for painting.

July 16, 2018 Bill 0 Comments

One of the most needy areas of immediate mitigation before it gets any worse is the cargo area floor and drivers area floor. The cargo area is 8 large panels of what I believe to be 3/4 inch mahogany plywood. The side facing up is beginning to show signs of serious weather wear.  I have decided to remove these panels, sand them, and then repaint them with lusterless Olive Drab marine floor paint.  Hopefully that will extend their life. So I spent over 20 hours during the last 3 days sanding both sides. Using a Dewalt 5″ orbital sander with 60 grit paper, (56 disks worth) I have pushed through up to 5 layers of paint (lime green mil primer, lusterless OD, White, Grey, and semi-gloss OD. The white and the primer were the most difficult. What a messy tedious job.  Pictures are below.