After a sweltering rainy summer little was accomplished in sand blasting the inside until late September.

December 13, 2018 Bill 0 Comments

A sand blast of the rust and a coat of POR-15 needed to be applied to mitigate further rust. It turned rainy and cold in early October which continued through the month.

The cold was good for sand blasting but bad for painting. Most heavily rusted areas were cleaned up waiting for the POR. Over 1300 pounds of “Black Beauty” was used to  clean the rust on the inside of the tub. Cramped space and the fact that every grain of coal that went in had to be vacuumed out.  Not the most fun I have ever had.

In November 2 days finally showed up that were above freezing, just barely. It allowed the POR to be put down but in  a less than desirable adhering process.

Blasting and painting operations were curtailed mid month and the DUKW was put into hibernation for the winter.